Monday, December 7, 2009


: We have a lot size procedure here which is creating more order proposals. How do you set the limit value for maximum number of MRP order proposals per date in IMG?
A: Under customization, try materials management->consumption based planning->maintain all plants

Q: What is the difference between "planned consumption" and "Unplanned consumption"? Can safety stock calculation be done on either of these?
A: While customizing movement types (OMJJ) it is defined as to which set of consumption values gets posted during the material movement. For some it may always be the total consumption and for some it is always the unplanned one and for some it is dependent on whether the issues were done with reference to a reservation ie., a planned consumption. The way these consumption values are taken into account in MRP is defined in the customizing of MRP types.
For Reorder point planning (VM) the total consumption is used to calculate the safety stock and the reorder point.
For Forecast based planning (VV) the total consumption is used to build the forecast which will be used to compile the order proposals.
For Deterministic MRP (PD) the unplanned consumption is used to calculate the forecast which in turn is added to the actual demand.

Q: We want the system to run a single level MRP automatically on receipt of sales order. How to configure triggering event based MRP?
A: This can only be run if material master has planning strategy 41 (made-to-order) in the MRP2 view. We need to run for other MRP types. We have to create a user exit in the sales order processing (VA01) to start MRP based on data from our sales transaction.

Q: We have an assembly 'A' using a subassembly 'B'. 'B' in turn uses raw material 'C'. Item 'A' is an MPS and is duly marked in Material Master. Item 'B' and 'C' are marked as 'PD'. When demand for 'A' is entered and MPS is run , upto which level the requirements are taken care of?
A: MRP can be run depending on your requirement. For example:

Single Item / Single Level from MPS - Transaction Code MD42 - Only the top MPS item ( 'A' in this case) is planned and dependent requirements will be passed to MRP item ( 'B' ) . Run MRP, Transaction MD02 on 'B' to plan it and all MRP items below .
Single Item / Multi Level from MPS - Transaction Code MD41 - All levels are planned - A , B & C
Total Planning from MPS online or background - Transaction Code MD40 or MDBS
Without marking the checkbox " Process MRP materials" is like case ( 1) above and with the checkbox marked is like case (2 ).

: We get an error message "Control parameters for scheduling not defined" while creating test production Orders. Why?
A: Before you attempt creating Production orders, configure your
Order types- Transaction Code OPHJ
Order type Dependent parameters - Transaction Code OPL8
Backorder Scheduling - Transaction Code OMIH
Scheduling Levels - Transaction Code OMIF

Q: We are trying to create Purchase Requisition from MRP run. We have material , info Record, Source list , Demand in place. MRP is always creating plan order. Why?
A: Check the procurement type in MRP view of material master. Check 'Create Purchase requisition' indicator while running MRP. If you want purchase requisitions to be created in the opening period, select the for MRP control parameter 'create purchase requisitions' as '1'.

Q: what is the option "Documented goods movements" on Selection of Individual Object Lists (transaction code CO28)?
A: Use Transaction code OPL8 to customize by choosing the order type, select all the checkbox under "Documentation of goods movements" at the bottom of the page. Create a new Production order, make GI to it, and run the report.

Q: We would like to have a report/inquiry that would indicate variances (materials, material quantities) between material recipe and actual process orders. We tried ME2M but this gives us a list of purchasing documents and not the consumption deviation. Where can I get such consumption deviation (master recipe Vs. Process> Orders)?
A: Do a data collection first.
Menu Path - Accounting->Controlling->Product cost acctg->Process mfg->Information system->Cost object hierarchy->data collection
(If you are using order hierarchy you would select order hierarchy in place of cost object hierarchy in the menu path.)
Accounting->Controlling->Product Cost Accounting->Order Related Production->Information System
Choose Report Period Costing - Target/Actual production variance

Q: We have two components ( 'X' & 'Y' ) in a production order in a process oriented production process. When 50 numbers of component 'X' are issued, we need the system to automatically issue 100 numbers of component 'Y' based on ratio of 1 to 2. Where do I specify these ratios?
A: You can define the ratio in BOM and material may be issued with reference to BOM.

Q: We have two storage locations are '0001' and '0600'. Default storage location in Process order is always '0001' What determines this default location?
A: Look into OSS notes: 100757, 63493, 96262, 87843, 82033, 64946.
The Storage location as configured in the Supply area has the highest priority.

Q: We need to do GI of components to production order using Back-flush. The component stock is managed in Batches. The Batch to be back-flushed is selected by FIFO from the issue storage location. How can we set this up?
A: With the following settings, the batches are selected the moment the production order is released.
1: Set up batch determination the way that the batches in batch selection are sorted the right way. e.g. sorted by expiry date
2: Use automatic batch selection in disp view.
3: Ensure that the components are allowed to be back-flushed (material master / work center)

Q: We want to report on several status combinations like each order that has status 'Not deleted' and 'Not technically completed'. What set up is required?
A: Check transaction CO28. In the selection screen note the possible selection 'System Status' . You can select TECO for technically complete an DLT for deleted from the list. Select the Excl. indicator also.
You may also try transaction CO26 (Logistics -> Production -> Production control -> Control -> Information systems -> Order Info System -> Object overview). Before executing the transaction report, combinations of statuses can be selected or exclude them.

Q: How can we shut off the "automatic costing indicator" and the "automatic scheduling indicator" which go on when the production order is released?
A: For "no automatic costing" follow the IMG path
Production -> Production orders ->Master data -> Order - >Define order type dependent parameters
Select the order type for which u automatic costing is not required. In the controlling settings, select "no automatic costing"
For "no automatic scheduling" , follow the IMG path :
Production ->Operations - >Scheduling -> Define control parameters
Select the order type and go to details. Deselect " automatic dates "
Alternatively, you can find indicators in the control key, which is in the routing. Transaction OPL8 gives you costing indicators (Order type dependent parameters), and OPJU (control table for scheduling) gives some scheduling options.

: Can we use same routing for materials undergoing the same process/operations? Can we avoid separate routing for each and every material produced?

A1: Presume that there are 50 products and the fabrication shop uses a set of 10 machines. If all these products use the same settings of the machines, Reference Operation Sets (task list type S) can be setup for common processes that use the same work centers. However costing, scheduling and capacity will be affected if each product has different setup time and Reference Operation sets can not be used.
A routing for each material number ( type N or R) has to be set up and within that routing, the Reference Operation Set can be used.
However you can by try utilizing the KMAT material and product variants invariant configuration to avoid separate routing for each material.
A2: You may create a routing group. Go into routing creation and enter the plant and the group name. If you want you may name the group , else name is assigned by internal counter). Create the routing with the work centers, operation times, etc. Go to the "Header overview" screen and click on the "Mat Alloc" screen. Fill in the blanks with all the material masters that use this routing.

Q: Scheduling times can be defined in the material master record by;
# entering the in-house production time. This value can be updated from the routing by the system.
# entering the setup, tear down, processing, and interoperation times. If these values are maintained, the system determines the in-house production time on the basis of lot size.
How do you get the system to update this value from the routing?
A: In routing, carry out scheduling. Go into the routing operation overview and follow Extras -> Scheduling -> Results. The pop-up window displays the scheduling data. At the bottom there is a pushbutton to copy the scheduling data to the material master Check this push button to update master data.

Q: We have deleted a group key in an operation in routing and the same does not appear for this routing (CA02). But we noticed that entries are maintained in table PLPO and the deletion indicator is not set. How does the system remember this deletion of group key?
A: You may look at the tables PLKO, MAPL and PLAS.


  1. sir,how to find out the job for sap pp fresher

  2. Dear first u try to get in some manufacturing org in support for pp and QM module,whenu will have sufficient knowldge u can go to IT org give me ur mail id


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