Tuesday, August 7, 2012

dates on which components are added in Maintenance order

Follow:- www.erpbizz.com

The create date is not in RESB. However if you identify the RESB records you could then find the related CDPOS entry. The CDPOS-TABKEY is made up of Client+Reservation+Item (RESB-MANDT + RESB-RSNUM + RESB-RSPOS). Values need to be padded on the left with zeros. Example 00200000439300003 is client 002, Reservation 43930, item 3.

Alternatively you can find the CDPOS records for a particular order - Find CDPOS using the OBJECTID (object value) field. Format is (client+30+Order):

Client - 3 charachters - Example 002

Order category - 2 charachters - This is always 30

Order number - 12 charachters - Example 4005864

In this case the object value is 00230000004005864
You will then only be intrested in CDPOS records with table=RESB and Change indicator = I. The related CDHDR table (CDHDR-CHANGENR = CDPOS-CHANGENR) will give date and time.

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