Saturday, June 19, 2010

Avalibility Check

While defining the checking scope you need to link the checking group and checking rule.
Checking rule for created orders
This checking rule applies to
--- manual checks in the created order
--- automatic check during order creation
---- automatic check when a created order is saved.
Checking rule for released orders
This checking rule applies to
manual checks in the released orders
automatic check in the released orders
automatic check when a released order is saved.
Also you can maintain checking rule for back orders in plant parameters and when maintaining the MRP Group we need to define the dependent reqmts checking rule.
Availability check for a material is carried out only if the material is
1. A stock item
2. Not a phantom item
3. Not a bulk material.

This can be carried out
1. during order creation
2. during order release
3. when a created order is saved

Availability check can be triggered either manually or automatically.
For this we need to define in checking control(opjk)

First define a checking group(ovz2) and checking rule and this
must be assigned to checking scope.(opjj)

In the checking scope(opjj) we should define

1. which Mrp elements are to be considered during check

2. which inventory categories are to be taken into account

3. whether Replinishment lead time is to be taken into account or not

4. whether check is also to be carried at storage location level.

This checking rule must be linked to checking control(opjk)in which you can say

1.No availability check for the material

2.Availability check when saving the order

3.What type of check is to be carried
whether ATP CHECK or Check against PIR quantities

4. Whether order should be released or not if there is
any missing parts.

The checking group is assigned to material master MRP3 view

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