Wednesday, June 30, 2010




SAP Usage Decision Reversal

SAP Usage Decision

SAP Usage Decision User Manual

Click below link for Usage Decision Reversal Step by Step.



SAP QM for Raw Material

SAP Table or Field Search

SAP Stores Data in to Tables and tables are linked Structure

Table or Field Search

use T code SE11

and Enter Table Name as DD03L
execute- Enter Table Name want to search or In field Enter Tables search via Field.

T code Search

For Z-T code Search
Use SE11
Enter Table Name as TSTCT
enter T code u give get list of all t codes as per given search criteria

SAP ShortCut Keys

F8- Execute
F3- Back
F12-Exit Logan
Ctrl+G-Continue Search
Shift+F2-Get Varient
Shift+F6-Selection Screen Help
F6-Display Match Code List
F7-Display all possible values
Ctrl+F6-Display Results
Ctrl+F3-Create New Secession

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Prod Order Confirmation User Exit

The configuration of transaction CO11N (Single Screen Entry of Confirmations of Production Orders) doesn't provide us enough settings. For example : set default values for date and time and calculate the difference between the beginning date and the end date of execution. The configuration made via the view V_TCORUSSDEF.
TCode CO11N actually calls the function pool SAPLCORU_S. I found the list of exits for CO11N as follow :
CONFPP07 -> Single Screen Entry of Confirmations
I did debuggings but didn't catch any customer exit calls... What does the functional team have to configure in addition so that the exits can be called up?


UD Cancel User Exit

Activate Below User Exit for Usage Decision Cancel

and the include u will need to add is ZXQEVU10
just read the document in SMOD

SAP Material staging

Material Staging

If you are using Warehouse Management, you can use this function to transport materials to production bin locations that are grouped into supply areas.

One of the main advantages of this functionality, is that employees on the shop floor can request the material required in the production process. The system generates a transfer requirement in the Warehouse Management System. Warehouse management is then responsible for staging the required materials by creating a transfer order from the transfer requirement. This occurs in the normal WM processing.

In order to use this functionality, you have to set up a WM / Production Planning interface.

SAP Material Stagging

Material staging is the activity which is used to store the material in the intermediate storage location or in practical case production storage location. One can either store these materials against reservations or against process/production order( multiple or individual)
MF60 t-code allows you to stage the materials.
-In staging type you need to stage it at storage location level( or one may choose as per requirement)
- In global settings -replenishment options you need to mark stoc trans. reservations.
- mark display options as per view
then on in prod/process order tabs you can have your own selection if desired.
Once executed you can choose quantity and material to be staged as per your need.

SAP Material staging

Material staging is the activity which is used to store the material in the intermediate storage location or in practical case production storage location. One can either store these materials against reservations or against process/production order( multiple or individual)
MF60 t-code allows you to stage the materials.
-In staging type you need to stage it at storage location level( or one may choose as per requirement)
- In global settings -replenishment options you need to mark stoc trans. reservations.
- mark display options as per view
then on in prod/process order tabs you can have your own selection if desired.
Once executed you can choose quantity and material to be staged as per your need.

SAP goods Issue

Goods Issue
1. Which control indicators influence the behaviour of the components in the production order (bulk material, back flush, phantom assembly, etc.)?
2. What is meant by picking?
3. What is meant by stock determination? Which settings have to be made for stock determination during production order processing?
4. What is a goods issue posting? How can goods issues be entered (reference to order, reference to reservation, unplanned, etc.)?
5. What is the purpose of movement types?
6. What are the effects of a goods issue posting from an international point of view (MM, FI, CO)?
7. What is meant by the back flushing of components and how can this be achieved?

SAP Work Center

1. What is a work center category?
2. What data can be maintained on the various views (basic, default, capacity, scheduling, costing, etc.)?
3. What is the purpose of a standard value key?
4. What role does the operation control key play?
5. What does referencing mean?
6. Why to use a work center hierarchy?
7. What is a pooled capacity?
8. Analyze the usage of the following fields?

Comman Questions

Other Issues
1. Which scheduling options are available, and how do they differ from each other?
2. Which time components are taken into account during scheduling?
3. How are basic order dates determined?
4. How are the scheduled dates determined?
5. Which scheduling types are available in lead time scheduling?
6. What role do reduction measures play in scheduling?
7. What types of scrap can be maintained in PP basic data and how would they be considered during MRP repectively scheduling?
8. What is external processing, and what conditions must be fulfilled before external processing can take place?
9. What are co-products?

SAP interview Questions

Sales and Operations Planning
1. What is the purpose of Sales and Operations Planning?
2. What is the structure of product groups and how could they be used in SOP/DM/LTP/MRP?
3. What is the purpose of proportion factors and aggregation factors within product groups?
4. Which planning methods are available in SOP?
5. Which sources are available as input data for SOP?
6. Which options are available for creating a sales plan in SOP?
7. Which options are available for creating an operations plan in SOP?
8. What is ‘disaggregation’?
9. How could the result of SOP be passed on to different planning tools within the PP planning environment?

SAP PP and QM Question and Issues: SAP Varient Configuration

SAP PP and QM Question and Issues: SAP Varient Configuration: "Link for Varient Config"

SAP PP and QM Question and Issues: SAP BOM Table

SAP PP and QM Question and Issues: SAP BOM Table

SAP Master Receipe

Recipe Specifies the sequence of individual operation needed for the step by step production of a finished product from raw material


Prod. Order: Specifies the processing steps to be carried out

Scheduling: Calculate dates on which operations to be performed

Capacity Planning: To determine the capacity required

Costing: To determine the cost which are incurred( in-house)

Process Management: this is Essential part of Process industries

T Code –C203


SAP Safety Stock

Safety Stock
Safety stock which is held that is designed to account for variability in forecasting and variability in supply. It is greatly misunderstood and misused in industry where it is often managed in a capricious manner.
understand First about safety stock…it is an operational control, it is not an executive control. Executives set the overall objectives and financial allocations and objectives of the company. Safety stock needs to be set by the owners of the business – or those close to product management and planning and no one else. As soon as executives begin to interfere in safety stock in order to meet short term financial goals.

Safety Stock will be= {Z*SQRT(Avg. Lead Time*Standard Deviation of Demand^2 + Avg. Demand^2*Standard Deviation of Lead Time^2}

Monday, June 28, 2010


BOM related tables :-

STKO --- BOM - header

STPO --- BOM - item

STAS --- BOMs - Item Selection

STPN --- BOMs - follow-up control

STPU --- BOM - sub-item

STZU --- Permanent BOM data

PLMZ --- Allocation of BOM - items to operations

MAST --- Material to BOM link

KDST --- Sales order to BOM link

PLPLAN_PARAM --- BOM-dependent planning parameter

SNUM --- BOM explosion number

T415S --- BOM status

T415T --- BOM Status Texts

T416 --- BOM Usage - Item Statuses

T416T --- BOM Usage Texts

Prod Version

Production Version Table

you can use MKAL ,

MATNR Material number

and make VERID not equal to blank

it will give you list of all the PV for the input MATNR in desired plant.

SAP Opening

SAP Module PP, QM and FICO Opening for all over india location

Job description- Minimum 3 year SAP Exp , 1 end to end or 1 support
project experience,
job profile will be Testing Scenario, ABAP Object Development , End User Training
Support Activities

For FICO Person should have knowldege abot FI-MM-PP-SD integrations.

Salary no bar
End user and CTM can also Apply
or Paste ur resume in comment option with ur contact details

Production Version

Combination of BOM and Recipe Can be maintain through Prod Version .
the Selection of Production Version Done on basis of Validity Date And Lot Size.

Production Order Status

Production order status table

System Status Management is a central function for all modules, not only logistics but financial modules too. Wherever you have the system status management, which is, you have the system statuses:

CRTD - Created,
REL - Released,
PCNF - Partially Confirmed,
CNF - Confirmed,
PDLV - Partially Delivered
DLV - Delivered

System stores these object statuses at the JEST table. In this table, Object ID (field OBJNR) is the key. And every object has different number ranges for the Object ID, which is automatically given by the system.

sap variant configuration

Process Flow of Variants:

1 Create Configurable Material MM01 or MMK1
2 Create Characteristics CT04
3 Create Class CL01
4 Assign Characteristics to Class CT04
5 Create Configuration Profile CU41
6 Create Object Dependencies CU01
7 Assign Object Dependencies CT04/CU41
8 Create Variant Condition Records VK11
9 Simulate Configuration CU50
10 Create Sales Order VA01
11 Create Outbound Delivery VL01N
12 Create Billing VF01

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Activity type componenet

Activity type int. processing - Key identifying the activity type used in other types of internal processing in costing (like Process Orders, Maintenance Orders)

Activity Type - Activity types describe the activity produced by a cost center and are measured in units of time or quantity.
In activity type planning, control data determines whether the activity price for evaluation of the activity type is manually set or is derived iteratively through activity price calculation.

Activity types sub-divide activities that are performed in a cost center within a controlling area. A quantity is entered for planning and settling an activity. This quantity is evaluated using the activity price for the activity type. Thus the costs incurred at a cost center can be distributed to products, according to which activities have been performed.

Inspection Type

1.there are some inspection type or i will say inspection lot origins in SAP QM which generate the Inspection lot "Automatically" & there are some which are only created Manually.
2.There are some which can be generated Both ways,Auto as well as manual.Inspection lots like 01,03,04 are few of them.
3.Auto are: 01,03,04 ,10,11,12,06,02,08,09 etc
4.manual only are: 89,07 etc.
So Now answer to your question would be:
01:after GR is made.-->MIGO tcode
03:After Production order released.-->CO02 tcode
04:After Prod order confirms-->CO11/CO15 tcode
10:During out bound delivery -->VL01n tcode( same for 02,11,12)
13: MFPR tcode
09 :QA07 tcode

Avalibility Check

While defining the checking scope you need to link the checking group and checking rule.
Checking rule for created orders
This checking rule applies to
--- manual checks in the created order
--- automatic check during order creation
---- automatic check when a created order is saved.
Checking rule for released orders
This checking rule applies to
manual checks in the released orders
automatic check in the released orders
automatic check when a released order is saved.
Also you can maintain checking rule for back orders in plant parameters and when maintaining the MRP Group we need to define the dependent reqmts checking rule.
Availability check for a material is carried out only if the material is
1. A stock item
2. Not a phantom item
3. Not a bulk material.

This can be carried out
1. during order creation
2. during order release
3. when a created order is saved

Availability check can be triggered either manually or automatically.
For this we need to define in checking control(opjk)

First define a checking group(ovz2) and checking rule and this
must be assigned to checking scope.(opjj)

In the checking scope(opjj) we should define

1. which Mrp elements are to be considered during check

2. which inventory categories are to be taken into account

3. whether Replinishment lead time is to be taken into account or not

4. whether check is also to be carried at storage location level.

This checking rule must be linked to checking control(opjk)in which you can say

1.No availability check for the material

2.Availability check when saving the order

3.What type of check is to be carried
whether ATP CHECK or Check against PIR quantities

4. Whether order should be released or not if there is
any missing parts.

The checking group is assigned to material master MRP3 view

SAP QM quality certificate


SAP QM quality certificate refers to the certificate what you receive from vendor (incoming certificate) and what we give it to customer (out going certificate)

Depending on the scenario outgoing certificate can be printed at inspection lot/batch/Delivery.
To print certificate we need results which is taken from inspection lot results.
We need to have certificate profile where in we decide which inspection results MIC data should be taken...not all the results from QM lot may be relevant to be printed in quality certificate.
Once we decide the characteristics, then we need to decide from where you want the result data i.e. from batch char or MIC, then which text should be shown like short text from or long text.
After deciding the above we need to assign a smart form to certificate profile where you design how the printout should look like, what information where?

With respect to incoming certificate - it is mainly for control, if certificate is not received (can enter then data during GR) you can block the payment, once you receive the certificate physically, you can release the payment. In system we actually don’t maintain any data other than the certificate number and status to control payment.

In QM in SAP following Quality Certificates are there -

1) Incoming Quality Certificate - You receive certificate for the material received from your vendor. You can select control key in the vendor master stating the quality certificate requirement. Then you may define quality info record for each vendor from which you procure material. There you may define how the vendor sends you the material. Then in customization, you may define enhanced certificate processing wherein your Quality personnel can enter the certificate receipt confirmation in transaction QC51. You may opt to select whether to confirm or not the receipt of certificate at GRN in customization, thereby controlling the function in the hands of quality personnel. If the stock of material is posted to quality inspection, then system will not allow you to make usage decision & stock posting unless the certificate receipt is confirmed.

2) Outgoing Certificate - You create certificate for each delivery of the material which is managed in quality. You can create the certificate profile in QC01 & then assigned the inspection characteristics, which you inspect in lot created after creating the delivery of the material. The material is assigned to this profile. You can print the certificate for each delivery of the material in transaction QC20 & the results of the characteristics will be selected in the certificate.

The use of quality certificates is that -

1) your vendor confirms quality of the incoming material. He can attach the results of the quality checking of the material at his end.

2) You confirm the quality of the material you send to your vendor.

1. What is certificate profile? What is the use of certificate profile in QM.?.

2. I have created certificate Profile using T-code. Qc01 and assigned that to material with the help of QC15. Suppose I forgot that material No. and after some days i want to know for which material I have attached that certificate profile. Please give proper help for this also.

COA Profile

A certificate profile controls inspection lot selection, the sequence of characteristics, and the characteristic data.COA Profile contains the List of MICs in desired sequence in which the result for them is supposed to be printed in the COA.

Within the certificate profile, you determine the selection and sequence of the characteristics whose results are to be documented on the certificate. You can vary the origin and representation of the data for each characteristic. You can also withhold certain information from the certificate, if, for example, you do not want to reveal a certain measured value.

At the header level of the certificate profile, you can define restrictions for selecting inspection lots and partial lots. For example, you may want to specify that only lots with a quality score of at least 80 are considered. At certificate creation, the system selects all inspection lots and partial lots for the material (and batch, if necessary) that meet the selection criteria and have a usage decision. The characteristics are then retrieved from the most recent inspection lot or partial lot in this list. (The lot creation date is the determining factor.)

If further clarity required, pls let me know.

Now towards your second question,,,,
In COA Profile, you want to know what are the materials assigned,,,,
Here are the options available....
1. In COA profile QC02/QC03 screen there is a tab available named as "ASSIGNMENTS", just click on it and it will give you the details.
2 The best way is Run trx QC17. and know the list.

I want to create a new format for an outgoing test certificate with MIC's,recorded results, batch no., company address etc and take a print out in SAP. Is it possible in SAP to design a own certificate format or shall I have to use standard certificate profiles only, which seems to be containing not enough details. Please guide me how to create a outgoing certificate and take a print out. Or can the recorded results be directly linked to the certificate profiles for a particular lot inspected.
I was told that incoming certificates can be accepted at the MIGO screen or in the UD screen. How to indicate that we have received an incoming certificate from a vendor for a raw material. Please tell me for both MIGO screen and in the UD screen also.

A certificate profile controls inspection lot selection, the sequence of characteristics, and the characteristic data.COA Profile contains the List of MICs in desired sequence in which the result for them is supposed to be printed in the COA.

Within the certificate profile, you determine the selection and sequence of the characteristics whose results are to be documented on the certificate. You can vary the origin and representation of the data for each characteristic. You can also withhold certain information from the certificate, if, for example, you do not want to reveal a certain measured value.

At the header level of the certificate profile, you can define restrictions for selecting inspection lots and partial lots. For example, you may want to specify that only lots with a quality score of at least 80 are considered. At certificate creation, the system selects all inspection lots and partial lots for the material (and batch, if necessary) that meet the selection criteria and have a usage decision. The characteristics are then retrieved from the most recent inspection lot or partial lot in this list. (The lot creation date is the determining factor.)

If further clarity required, pls go through link.

Inspection lot origin and inspection type (03) are assigned in QC01
Inspection origin (03) assigned to delivery type LF

in QC20 – I am entering output type LQCB
still i am getting same message.” No message for initial processing exists ''
can you give some more detail about this" check whether u assign the o/p type lqcb for the delivery".

Make use of inspection type 10. Give UD for the lots, and complete the delivery. then try to take the certificates

some check given below

Config related checks

1) Go to SPRO > Quality certificates > Output determination > Define condition type for output determination > LD00

1) Go to Processing Routines and maintain the
1)Form against Print output
2) program as RQCAAP00

2) Go to Partner maintain
1)Medium Print out put function SP/ SH
2) Medium Print output function Q2

2) Maintain the same in SPRO > Quality certificates > Output determination > define partner for each output
Make settings for both out put type LD00 & LQCB. System may pick up any on of them while creating certificates

In transaction in VV21
Maintain for LD00 & LQCB

1) Customer (shipping point in some cases) 2) Function : SP/SH 3) Medium 1
4) Date/Time : 3

click on communication button : give printer details, print immediately , and in print setting maintain the FORM (important) etc,
in QC20 keep the output type blank. Transmission medium as 1 , Sort order as 01, and processing mode as 01. Make sure that you have the shipping point delivery number available. It will take you to Output from deliveries. Select and execute.


Order Settlement

Settlement of Production Orders

Wanted to find out why we settle production orders to a material and how this works (the background to this).

You create a production order with material so as to produce / manufacture that material in your plant.

When you produce any material you plan / estimate the price of that material initially. When you actually start producing that material you book actual cost on that production order.

So ultimately you have a planed price of the material say Rs. 100 and you have actual cost say Rs. 120 required to produce that material. This means that you have incurred a loss of Rs 20 while producing that material. So now the actual price of material is 120 but you have estimated Rs 100.

Now this Rs 20 has to be loaded on the material. This is done through the settlement against material. The difference betwwen the plan cost and the actual cost i.e. Rs 20 is transferred to the material by settlement.

The same applies in the case of price control "S" ie. repetitive manufacturing and for all the in-process materials price control is "S".

When we do the settlement it will hit the material but under a different account. If it is a loss it will hit the "price difference account - loss". If it is a gain then the amount will go to the "price difference - gain" for that material.

In the above example given, actual cost of the material is rs 120, and estimated price is rs 100, but when you see the material stock report, you will be able to see only rs 100 and not rs 120, even after settlement.

As mention, rs 20 will be taken to the price difference account, which is debit side of the p/l a/c.

This is because when you do a cost roll up to decide the standard price of the material and the price also gets updated as a standard price of the material in the accounting1 view of the material master.

Whenever a GR happens to any material it happens at the price matained in the material master so the stock will be generated at Rs 100 only.

Plan price Rs 100 and Actual Price 120 is actually the variance which should go to COPA for material varance analysis.

You have decided that you will sell that material to customer at the final price of Rs 100 and you have incurred a loss of Rs. 20 because of some reason.

You can't tell customer that you have incurred loss of Rs 20 so now purchase the matrial at Rs 120 from me. That loss will remain with you only in price difference account.

If you want to recover that loss it will be by some other mechanism and not by actully changing the price of the material or it's stock value.


For detailed Concept and Understanding of Order Settlement Follow below link



Follow Below Link for Complete Details


Friday, June 18, 2010


Frequently we come to know that how to start career in sap and
Future of SAP.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

SAP Order Status Teco

Teco means Ending of Order for logical view.

Below Action will be executed as order gets status Teco.

1. The Order would not be relevant to MRP.
2. All reservation against Order will be Deleted.
3. Capacity Requirement against order would be deleted.
4. Purchase Requisition for External Operation Or non Stock Items will be cleared.
5. The Order and its operation gets status Teco.
6.Material Posting Can e Made to Order even after Teco , this setting is on need basis
if we want that after Teco No posting should be allowed then Can be control by
Order Status control t code Bs22

SAP QM Recurring Inspection.

1. For Recurring inspection Batch management must be activated.
2. Use Inspection type 09, maintain in Material Master QM view.
3.also maintain inspection interval in Material master QM view, this interval acts as duration between inspection or frequency.
4.Use T code QA07 for Recurring inspection.
5.inspection lot will be created,based on difference of last inspection and Date on which QA07 run if difference is grater then inspection interval maintain in material master an inspection lot will be created.


1.Create inspection plan for material.
2.assign all material and vendor to task list counter.
3.T code QP02 go to overview screen select MIC and click on dependent characteristic
system will pop up screen here, add vendor and maintain vendore wise specification for MIC Selected.
4.When GR will be taken against vendor, system will generate inspection lot, lot will have specification of MIC as per Vendor.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Production Order Release Control

Production order relase can be controlled through

1.Use Production Scheduling Profile. SPRO setting - OPKP.Here you can define it for Automatic release of Production Order at the time of creation.Use this Production Scheduling Profile in Work scheduling view.When Production Order is created, it is also relased at the same time.

2.In OPJK -Availaibility Check 1 and 2 , you must set the Material Avaialabitly check -Marked and Release Material Indicator-3 -No relase if the materials is missing .Check the Material Abaivalibity while Saving shoudl be mareked .

3..Through user exit for production order release :

1.PPCO0021 Release Control for Automatic Batch Determination
3.PPCO0001 Application development: PP orders

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